Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hi Fructose features ME!!!!

I'm going to be featured in the next issue of Hi Fructose magazine, so pick up an issue and support!! Also featured is my homie Skinner, and the legendary Craola. Here's a link to the preview: http://www.hifructose.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=441&Itemid=56

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hitting the streets

Be on the look out for these giants...

Introducing "South Sea Sinner" (an actual name of a WWII B-29 bomber)

And Last but not least "Tempest Turner" (also the name of a WWII bomber)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sacramento Show!!

So my show in Sacramento went great, Space07 is an awesome venue! I just took down the show, but Curator Lainya Magaña is brewing up more shows as we speak. You can check out what she's up to at www.argotandochre.com

My bomber resurfaces again after a long hibernation

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tempest Turner June 13th

Lainya Magaña and Space07 are pleased to present Tempest Turner, a collection of new work by Bay Area artist, Jesse Hazelip. Taken from the name of a WWII bomber plane, Tempest Turner provides commentary about a time when the world was enlightened to the limitless power of man’s destructive will and how the mistakes of the past seem to be ignored by the actions of the present. Painstaking illustrations meld WWII machinery, such as guns and planes, with buffalo and heron, contrastin g the delicate beauty of nature with the menacing power of man. Hazelip’s work is made contemporary through his use of variant forms of media: wheatpaste, silkscreen, and salvaged materials. These mediums speak to his experience as a graffiti artist and the political nature of his work. Tempest Turner will include an impressive array of large-scale works as well as smaller, framed pieces. Featured work will include ink on paper, mixed media on found wood, limited edition silkscreen prints, and acrylic on wood.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So my bird got buffed......or did it??????

Here is the Original bird innocently watching over the streets of Oakland

I saw that it had been buffed, but then I realized I could remove my print

So i got into it.....

The whole thing was coming down perfectly

Little did the evil buffers know, but they were creating a stencil with their own paint. Thanks buffers!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Studio visit with myself

Some work in progress

Window wonderland

my big pieces are snuggling. awwwww

Another new one

GPK all day

Some of my studio mates

Guess what that is

Sketch Tuesday's again!!!!

Artists hard at work

A rainbow powered Heron

I can make a wreck out an area very quickly

I really love these birds




For Sale!!!!

Leo Eguiarte blessed me with this awesome silk screen

David Jien made a guest appearance, and collaborated on some fresh drawings

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here's a couple of spots I caught just in time for Oakland's art walk last Friday. If you haven't been to the Art Murmur it's fun, and HELLA people come out for it. http://www.oaklandartmurmur.com/pages/Jmap/Jmap.php